Olayode: Interrogating the transnational context of democratic movements in Africa

Africa’s democratic movements have been located within two different historical contexts of global waves of democracy and African struggles for political liberation. Advocates of the first approach tend to see Africa’s democratic movement as part of what Samuel Huntington (1991) calls the third wave of democracy, which in his view began in the 1970s in Southern and Eastern Europe. While each wave is propelled by a different constellation of factors, the overall process was driven by the victorious democratic hegemonic powers. Others have argued that, while Africa’s democratization was influenced by developments elsewhere in the world, it was primarily rooted in the continent’s long history of struggle against slavery, colonialism, and postcolonial misrule (Ake 1996; Scott 1985; Olayode 2011).

Autor: Kehinde Olayode


Supplement zu FJ SB 2014/HEFT3

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